The 3rd recording from the miserable bastards, the Pyrates Royal! This time, in front of a live audience at First Night Annapolis. Shortly after recording this, the band was taken into custody to explain the disappearance of all of the fireworks.
"These lads and lasses can really do it all - from rowdy & rousing, to lovely & sweet, and to comical & ironic."
By Christine Lampe
No Quarter Given
"It's next to impossible to listen to this Annapolis-based group, either in person or on a recording, without a grin or a guffaw...Without realizing it, you're suddenly part of the rowdy mayhem that is the Pyrates' crew...The Pyrates are not just funny and somewhat ribald, they are accomplished musicians utilizing a variety of instruments and vocal harmony -- an all-inclusive and entertaining maritime voyage."
Bill Knapp